Penulis: Eben Ezer Siadari 10:52 WIB | Kamis, 26 Februari 2015

BRI Turunkan Suku Bunga Setelah Didesak Jokowi

Presiden Joko Widodo bersama Gubernur BI, Agus Martowardojo dan Ketua OJK, Muliaman D. Hadad di halaman Istana Negara. (Foto: setkab.go.id)

JAKARTA, SATUHARAPAN.COM - Setelah kritik Presiden Joko Widodo terhadap tingginya suku bunga perbankan di Indonesia kemarin, hari ini PT  Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk (BRI), salah satu BUMN perbankan teratas, mengumumkan akan menurunkan suku bunga dasar kredit sebesar 25 basis poin. Selain suku bunga dasar kredit, perseroan juga akan menurunkan suku bunga deposito sebesar 75 basis poin.

Corporate Secretary BRI Budi Satria, sebagaimana dikutip oleh Bisnis.com,  mengatakan penurunan suku bunga deposito dan pinjaman ini juga sebagai respon atas arahan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dan  juga imbauan Presiden Joko Widodo supaya industri perbankan menurunkan Suku Bunga Dasar Kredit atau SBDK.

"Hari ini manajemen sudah menghitung dan memutuskan akan menurunkan suku bunga pinjaman kurang lebih 25 basis poin dan suku bunga deposito akan turun hingga 75 basis poin," ujar dia..

Rencananya, penurunan suku bunga kredit dan deposito ini akan berlaku mulai 1 Maret 2015. "Dengan demikian, BRI akan menjadi bank yang pertama merespon imbauan Presiden Jokowi untuk menurunkan suku bunga," kata Budi.

Presiden Joko Widodo kemarin mengatakan turunnya suku bunga acuan BI atau BI Rate, seharusnya menjadi momentum bagi perbankan untuk ikut menurunkan suku bunga kredit. "Kalau BI Rate turun, mestinya suku bunga bank juga turun," ujar Jokowi ketika bertemu dengan Gubernur BI dan Ketua Otoritas Jasa Keuangan.

Awal bulan ini BI Rate  turun menjadi 7,5 persen namun belum juga diikuti penurunan suku bunga perbankan. Sebagai contoh, SBDK BRI  untuk kredit pemilikan rumah (KPR) masih bertengger di 10,25 persen, sedangkan kredit korporasi 11,00 persen. Sementaran kredit mikro dipatok ada di level 19,25 persen.

Bank Mandiri mematok bunga KPR 11,00 persen, kredit korporasi 10,50 persen, dan kredit mikro 19,50 persen.

Adapun BNI mematok bunga KPR 11,10 persen, kredit korporasi 11,00 persen.

Dengan penurunan bunga yang dilakukan BRI, maka suku bunga kredit korporasi BRI akan turun dari 11 persen saat ini menjadi 10,75 pada awal Maret. Kredit ritel turun dari 11,75 persen menjadi 11,50 persen. Kredit Mikro turun dari 19,25 persen menjadi 19,00 persen, Kredit KPR turun dari  10,25 persen menjadi 10,00 persen dan Kredit Non-KPR turun dari 12,50 persen menjadi 12,25 persen.

Bukan Intervensi

Sementara itu ketika ditanya apakah Jokowi telah melakukan intervensi terhadap tugas bank sentral, yaitu Bank Indonesia untuk menurunkan tingkat suku bunga, mantan walikota Solo itu membantah.

"Melakukan intervensi terhadap tugas BI tidak boleh," kata dia, sebagaimana dikutip oleh berbagai media, ketika berbicara di Istana Negara.

Kendati begitu, ia mengakui bahwa suku bunga yang rendah diperlukan untuk mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi. "Ketika inflasi dapat ditekan ke bawah 5 persen atau bahkan 4 persen, maka BI rate harus mengikuti," tutur dia.

"Kita telah mencatat deflasi pada Januari. Jika ini berlanjut hingga Februari dan Maret, maka lebih mudah bagi BI menurunkan suku bunga," kata dia.

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has denied exerting political pressure on Bank Indonesia (BI) to lower interest rates, as the central bank's independence came into question following an unexpected shift in monetary policy that caught the markets unaware.

"Interference [in BI's independence to set monetary policy] is prohibited," Jokowi said on Wednesday. When asked on whether there was any political pressure exerted on BI to lower its interest rates, the President replied: "No."

Nevertheless, he made no secret of his preference for lower interest rates to support economic growth, thus taking a different stance to former president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who tolerated high interest rates and lower growth in the final years of his leadership to maintain economic stability.

"When our inflation can fall to below 5 per cent or even 4 per cent, then certainly the BI rate should follow," Jokowi said. "We recorded deflation in January. If this trend continues in February and March, then it will be easier [for BI] to lower its interest rates."

The central bank is guaranteed independence in the 2004 Bank Indonesia Law, which forbids government officials - including the President - from interfering in monetary-policy decisions.

- See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/asia/jokowi-denies-intervention-monetary-policy#sthash.0Bbna78Q.dpuf

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has denied exerting political pressure on Bank Indonesia (BI) to lower interest rates, as the central bank's independence came into question following an unexpected shift in monetary policy that caught the markets unaware.

"Interference [in BI's independence to set monetary policy] is prohibited," Jokowi said on Wednesday. When asked on whether there was any political pressure exerted on BI to lower its interest rates, the President replied: "No."

Nevertheless, he made no secret of his preference for lower interest rates to support economic growth, thus taking a different stance to former president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who tolerated high interest rates and lower growth in the final years of his leadership to maintain economic stability.

"When our inflation can fall to below 5 per cent or even 4 per cent, then certainly the BI rate should follow," Jokowi said. "We recorded deflation in January. If this trend continues in February and March, then it will be easier [for BI] to lower its interest rates."

The central bank is guaranteed independence in the 2004 Bank Indonesia Law, which forbids government officials - including the President - from interfering in monetary-policy decisions.

- See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/asia/jokowi-denies-intervention-monetary-policy#sthash.0Bbna78Q.dpuf

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has denied exerting political pressure on Bank Indonesia (BI) to lower interest rates, as the central bank's independence came into question following an unexpected shift in monetary policy that caught the markets unaware.

"Interference [in BI's independence to set monetary policy] is prohibited," Jokowi said on Wednesday. When asked on whether there was any political pressure exerted on BI to lower its interest rates, the President replied: "No."

Nevertheless, he made no secret of his preference for lower interest rates to support economic growth, thus taking a different stance to former president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who tolerated high interest rates and lower growth in the final years of his leadership to maintain economic stability.

"When our inflation can fall to below 5 per cent or even 4 per cent, then certainly the BI rate should follow," Jokowi said. "We recorded deflation in January. If this trend continues in February and March, then it will be easier [for BI] to lower its interest rates."

The central bank is guaranteed independence in the 2004 Bank Indonesia Law, which forbids government officials - including the President - from interfering in monetary-policy decisions.

- See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/asia/jokowi-denies-intervention-monetary-policy#sthash.0Bbna78Q.dpuf

Editor : Eben Ezer Siadari

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